When I am on the internet, I have a difficult time just staying on one website for a very long time, and before I know it, I've got multiple tabs opened on one browser to the most random of sights. Well, during one of my instances of aimless internet surfing, I came across an article on Life.com titled "How Europeans Know You're American"(http://www.life.com/gallery/46721/how-europeans-know-youre-american#index/0). I clicked on it because I thought it would be funny to see if any of it actually were correct. Most of it, in my opinion, held no truths, but it was entertaining nonetheless. I'll let you guys be the judges. The points go as follows (and once again, these are NOT my beliefs, but those merely expressed by a writer at LIFE):
1) Americans Complain About Portion Size at Their Meals
- Okay, so this is slightly true. Coming here, the Spaniards love their tapas (which can be extremely small) and consider lunch time a huge deal (where the portions are ginormous!) but I think that this has just taken some adjusting. That's all.
2) Americans Constantly Say Stuff Like "We Saved Your Butts in the War"
- Absolutely untrue! I have never heard anyone say this to a European. Unless they were born before 1920.
3) Americans, Especially the Men, Obsess Over Nude Beaches
- Yeah...true. BUT, in a note of defense (although slightly awkward), nude beaches are a rarity in the states. When a person is seen naked outside of their home, it may be slightly shocking for a person to digest.
4) Americans Display a Distinctly...Well...'American' Physique
- What the author meant was obese. Yeah, many people in the U.S. are overweight, but so are many Europeans. NEXT!
5) Americans Exhibit a Slippery Grasp of Basic Geography
- I think that's typical for any place that you don't inhabit. Ask a European where North Dakota is and I don't think they'd be first to answer.
6) Americans Are Scandalized by Bidets
- You know, the toilets the squirt water up at you? While I have yet to come across one, I don't know if I'd be first in line to try. But I am more interested than 'scandalized.'
7) Americans Use Their 'Outdoor' Voices Everywhere
- Haha, okay this may be true. We do tend to be louder in groups, but isn't that the case everywhere?? (Definitely trying to defend myself here lol).
8) Americans Don't Know How to Tip
- We were told not to...simply following orders. If I am told otherwise, that's when I'll change my ways
9) Americans and that Multilingual Problem
- Yeah, many Americans don't know loads of languages, but I think that this can go vice versa. Just walk down any street in NYC and you'll hear a plethora of languages coming at ya.
10) Americans Talk Too Much About Money
- Uh...no (and this slightly contradicts the point above about not tipping...isn't that "talking about money?")
11) Americans Consider Old Glory a Fashion Statement
- I don't know what cities this writer has been visiting, but I don't recall loads of folks walking down the block wearing red, white, and blue before my departure
12) Americans Believe Air Conditioning is a Right
- I'll admit that this is another truth amongst me and my friends. But when you walk into H & M in the states and am greeted by cold air, am I completely in the wrong to think it would be the same here?
13) Americans Love Hand Sanitizer
- Yes and no, depending on the person
14) Americans Want to Drive Everywhere
- Once again, depending on the person. I love walking though
15) Americans Are Frightened of Tap Water
- Sometimes it has to be that way depending on the country that you are inhabiting. But so far I've had no problems with the water here
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