About a week ago I received some very exciting news! I can't remember if I mentioned this in a previous post, but the semester that I spent in Salamanca was my final semester of college. I know that may seem weird or even backward because people usually study aboard during their sophomore or junior years, but I had to study abroad when I felt like I was ready (and also because I knew this was my final chance!)
I only had to finish up a few more credits in the fall, so I thought what better way to do so than in another country? Some sacrifices had, however, had to be made, and one of them was not making it back in time for the fall graduation ceremony (because it took place one week before my return home). Nonetheless, I wasn't fazed because I figured I could graduate the following semester. So now I am home currently interning and eagerly awaiting this momentous occasion.
So to finally get to my good news, all of my credits from Spain have been input into the system and I am officially done with college! The next and final step is graduation, which I now get to participate in with my friends who were set to graduate a semester after me, and then I enter into the real world. It seems slightly daunting from this vantage point, but I think that I am ready to handle all that is thrown my way. Wish me luck!
~Justine <3